Xargs is a command line utility for building an execution pipeline
from standard input.
Tools that cannot accept standared input as a parameter (e.g rm , echo , mkdir etc.) Xargs allows them to take standared input as a parameter.
Example :
~ echo 'foo bar' | xargs mkdir
It creates two directories named foo and bar.
~ echo 'foo bar' | xargs -t rm -r
rm -r foo bar
It removes foo and bar directories.
-t : prints command that will be executed to the terminal.
Tools that cannot accept standared input as a parameter (e.g rm , echo , mkdir etc.) Xargs allows them to take standared input as a parameter.
Example :
~ echo 'foo bar' | xargs mkdir
It creates two directories named foo and bar.
~ echo 'foo bar' | xargs -t rm -r
rm -r foo bar
It removes foo and bar directories.
-t : prints command that will be executed to the terminal.